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Pet insurance has become a hot topic in the workforce as more and more companies offer it in their benefits packages. Before you buy into policy for Fido, what exactly is pet insurance, and how do you know if it’s right for you?

How Does Pet Insurance Work?

The biggest takeaway from pet insurance is that it functions just like your own policy. There are deductibles, co-pays, maximum payouts, premiums, waiting periods, and in some cases, no coverage for pre-existing conditions. Not surprisingly, premiums for purebreds are often higher because of known hereditary ailments and issues that are passed down through the breed’s bloodline. (A great example would be the common hip problems that Golden Retrievers develop as they age.) For many families, an unexpected injury or illness can result in what is called economic euthanasia—the choice to put a pet down due to the high cost of veterinary care. That’s where pet insurance steps in, there to help reduce and cover some of these unexpected costs. The plans themselves can be divided into two coverage chunks: accidents or accidents and illnesses.

What Are My Options?

When choosing a plan, you have the option to cover just accidents or accidents and illnesses. Depending on the provider you choose, the options can vary further, like giving the option for wellness coverage that can curb the cost of your pet’s normal checkups, vaccinations, and treatments.

Accidents: Depending on your provider, an accident plan would cover injuries such as being hit by a motor vehicle, poisoning, bloating, foreign body ingestion, or cuts and lacerations.

Accidents and Illnesses: In addition to the injuries and causes listed above, this plan could also cover cancer, diabetes, skin irritations, respiratory infections, upset stomach, ear infections, and UTIs. Some conditions, such as Cushing’s, will inhibit a pet from being eligible for a plan.

Other Exclusions I Should Know About?

In addition to pre-existing conditions, many costs associated with routine or preventative care are not covered under your pet insurance plan. Vitamins, herbal or holistic supplements, and special food or diet accommodations are not eligible for coverage. Quite often, parasite testing, treatment, and prevention is also not included but could be offered if you purchased a wellness policy. You should also know that many procedures like dewclaw removal, declawing, nail trimming, ear cropping/tail docking, and anal gland expression and removal are all costs that you will have to pay out of pocket.

Pets are a part of our families, and it can be devastating when something goes wrong. By exploring your pet insurance options, you can find a plan that fits your family and protects your furry friends when they need you the most.

Are you interested in learning more about pet insurance policies and options? Give Doyle & Ogden a call to explore the coverage options that is just right for you and your pet.. We’re here to help you find a policy that offers you better coverage at the best price. Call us at 616-949-9000 or request a quote online today!