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Workplace wellness isn’t something just for Fortune 500 companies. Wellness programs are popping up at offices all across America as more and more people spend the majority of their work day in an office or behind a desk. Implementing workplace wellness programs aren’t just added benefits for your employees, but may help your business cut costs as well. When healthy lifestyle changes start lowering employees’ cholesterol or help them lose weight, it can add up to savings on their health insurance. So, how do you go about starting a workplace wellness program at your office? Here is a list of five ways to get you and your employees health and wellness program on the right track.

Don’t Make it a Contest

Making a lifestyle change can be intimidating. In the past, many workplace wellness programs have gotten hung up on the “how much did you lose” mindset. The focus becomes too narrow, looking at the physical changes an employee underwent compared to another. If you truly want to see a positive impact from your workplace wellness program, leave the “Biggest Loser” ideology behind. Instead, focus on ways you as an employer can make healthy alternatives more accessible.

Incorporate More Healthy Foods

Good nutrition is one of the keys to a successful workplace wellness program. If your office is like one of the hundreds around the country with vending machines loaded with candies and sweets, find ways to implement healthier snacks. Maybe set out an office-wide fruit basket in the break room that people can help themselves to. For drinks, maybe gift your staff with re-usable company water bottles to encourage them to stay hydrated throughout the work day. Who knows, maybe your next company outing will be a cooking class, teaching some delicious and nutritious recipes that your employees can make in their homes.

There are many creative solutions. It’s up to you to start identifying where in your office some unhealthy eating habits are coming from and brainstorming ways to make a healthy option easier.

Take Mental Health Seriously

American work culture is notorious for obsessive overtime and unfortunately, spiraling into a burnout. This kind of behavior is damaging to our mental health and wellbeing, which can ultimately spill over, affecting our overall health and relationships. As an employer, be an active participant in your workplace. Take note of the individuals who may be juggling a lot in their work and personal lives, and be compassionate toward them. That could be in the form of taking the time to talk about how they are doing, or it could be encouraging them to take advantage of some of their vacation days. In a sense, your active participation is giving people your blessing to take some time to evaluate and focus on themselves. That process doesn’t come easily for everyone, especially if it requires busy-bees to slow down. But when it’s all said and done, encouraging people to focus on themselves for a while will make them happier and healthier in the long run.

Don’t Obsess Over Sick Days

Policies that require doctor’s notes for sick days only do more harm than good. Taking the time to go to the doctor’s office, ask for a note, and fork up the co-pays only ups health insurance costs. For many, this process is a hassle, and instead, they’ll just load up on Dayquil and head into the office, where their sickness’ symptoms may be masked, but they are still contagious. This is when your office turns into grade school again, where one after another employees get sick as the season’s flu makes its rounds. Instead, drop the doctor’s note requirement and encourage employees who feel under the weather to rest up. Some companies even use paid sick days to discourage employees from coming in when they’re not feeling well. That solution may not be right for your office and staff, but it is something to consider when trying to keep illnesses at bay.

Re-Evaluate Your Health Insurance Offerings

One of the greatest ways to encourage healthy lifestyle changes is to offer employees excellent health care. Take a hard look at your current plan. What’s it giving your employees? How much preventative care is covered? If someone wanted to get more help getting their nutrition in check, will your plan help them access that?

Before you begin tackling a workplace wellness program, get a better understanding of your current insurance plan. What you may (or may not) find just might surprise you. If you need help looking into your insurance or you’re looking for something new, let the experts at Doyle & Ogden Insurance Advisors help you find better coverage, for the best price. Give us a call at 616-949-9000 or request a free quote online today!