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Reporting of tickets or violations:

By the driver within 30 days of conviction. Most company policies require immediate notification by the driver to the company.

Roadside inspections:

Driver must inform carrier with 24 hours of inspection and carrier must keep inspection report for 1 year.

Tank driver’s license endorsement:

Tank vehicle is a vehicle designed to transport liquid of gaseous material within a tank or tanks temporarily or permanently attached to a vehicle.  The tanks having an individual rated capacity of more than 119 gallons and an aggregate rated capacity of 1,000 gallons.

Driver road test:

Required for tank endorsement. It is suggested all companies road test new hires before putting them on the road to confirm their road skills and knowledge.

Mandatory 30 minute break:

Is not required if operating in a 100 air mile radius.

What is FSMA?:

FDA’s rule to require those who transport food to use sanitary transportation practices to ensure the safety of the products. It is meant to help maintain the safety of both human and animal foods during transportation by establishing criteria for its sanitary transportation condition and practices including training and record keeping.

Medical examiners certification:

Effective May 2014 a driver’s certification CDL or Non CDL must be completed by a medical examiner on the FMCSA registry

More questions? We have answers. Contact us for all your insurance needs.